These letters are normally written by the HR department of the company to an employee. In the letter, the employee is addressed of his/her area of concern for the management and in the light of his behavior, future expected behavior of the employee is drafted and in the end, improvements are suggested for the employee to follow. Your words of speech should indicate concern rather than expressing anger by using harsh words. Your writing should not oppose possible danger to the employee in any way.
Letters of concern help the employee shape his behavior according to the standards set by the organization so that any future issue must not become a hindrance in the healthy relationship between the organization and the employee. The employer in the letter must only stick to the relevant point of concern which needs to be detailed in and all irrelevant issues must be avoided.
From the letter, it should be clearly visible to the employee that you value him and for this reason, you have drafted this letter so that he/she may after reading it correct his/her behavior or any other area of concern written in the letter.
Sample letter
Mr. James
Head of Department
ABC magazine
Mr. Fred
Manager Sales
ABC magazine
Dated: 17th October 20XX
Subject: Letter of concern
Dear Mr. Fred,
This is to bring to your attention that from the past many days you have been displaying inappropriate behavior which has been noticed by your supervisor and other members of senior management. It became a matter of concern for all of us.
Last week when you were in the Board meeting with all the senior management you did not welcome our new director while all others present there did greet him. Second, the following week again when everyone was entering the office and marking their presence through thumb impression, you had abruptly pushed Mr. Green from his row and marked your attendance first. We understand that you had been waiting long for your turn but we expect you to also understand the fact that Mr. Green is an old man so it takes time for him to pass through all these procedures and this does not seem appropriate that we set him aside to mark our attendance.
Fred, you are a remarkable person with wonderful ideas for which the organization values you a lot. The only area of concern as a HOD is that you should pay attention to the minute details as you successfully manage all other things. It is always good to greet others when you confront them and also to give respect to the elders working with you in this way we all will be able to work in a healthier atmosphere.
We expect you to pay attention to these issues and avoiding them in the future so that no one builds a grievance within himself against you. Fred, we want all our valued employees to work with us as a family towards achieving our goals. I hope to see a positive new change in you Fred. Good Luck.
Yours Sincerely,
Mr. James.
Head of Department.